Author : Roman Farnbauer

12. ročník Kompara

Ôsmaci a deviataci (resp. terciáni a kvartáni) zo 739 základných škôl a osemročných gymnázií boli v novembri 2016 testovaní z matematiky, zo slovenského jazyka a literatúry a ôsmaci (terciáni) aj z dejepisu, fyziky a zo všeobecných študijných predpokladov. V januári 2017 dostali školy výsledky tohto testovania, ktoré okrem iného obsahovali podrobné „vysvedčenie“ pre každého testovaného žiaka, pre každú testovanú triedu, ako aj celkové „vysvedčenie“ školy. Najbližšie testovanie štvrtákov a šiestakov (resp. primánov) sa uskutoční v máji 2017.

Education has the future, what about school? Vladimír Burjan at TEDxKošice

Vladimír Burjan was born in Bratislava in 1960. He began to move in the educational system from his early youth and to this day, he has not given up. He studied the systems theory at the Faculty of Mathematics and Physics in Bratislava. As a high school mathematics teacher he tried to step out of the usual teaching methods and undertake some changes. For some time he was the Director of Mathematics at the Ministry of Education and he also worked at the Research Institute of Education. In 1994 he founded the company EXAM testing, which has a rather unusual focus. Since September 2009 he has also worked as the publisher and chief editor of “DOBRÁ ŠKOLA”.

He believes that students need the right motivation and teachers need freedom and responsibility. His criticism of the current education system is sometimes too open, but for those who want to work hard and prosper, it’s a great inspiration.

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